
We have an amazing team of folks working on the PiNC project including scientists and a phenomenal field team at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD; scientists at the University of Washington and the Applied Physics Laboratory; and collaborators in Chile and elsewhere. 

Dr. Sarah N Giddings : associate professor

Dr. Sarah N Giddings

associate professor

Dr. Giddings started as an Assistant Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in January 2014 in the Integrated Oceanography Division. She has built her Environmental Fluids and Coastal Oceanography Laboratory including a wonderful research team and established research projects locally in Southern CA and beyond. Additional information on Dr. Giddings and her lab can be found here. Dr. Giddings is a PI on the PiNC project and has worked extensively on small estuaries and plume dynamics.

Dr. Alex Simpson : postdoctoral researcher

Dr. Alex Simpson

postdoctoral researcher

Dr. Simpson joined the Giddings lab and this PiNC project as a postdoctoral scholar in February 2022. Alex has been leading the preparation of the PiNC field campaign as well as investigating estuary mouth morphodynamics as they impact estuarine outflow magnitude. Previously, Alex's focus was remote sensing of nearshore features using drones and X-Band radar, with topics ranging from frontal shear instabilities to internal wave transformation. They completed their PhD with Dr. Merrick Haller at Oregon State University in December 2021.

Dr. Alexander Horner-Devine : professor

Dr. Alexander Horner-Devine


Alex Horner-Devine is a faculty member studying Environmental Fluid Mechanics at the University of Washington. Much of his research focuses on the dynamics of the river-ocean interface, including studies of river plumes in North America, South America and Europe.

Brian Woodward : research and development engineer

Brian Woodward

research and development engineer

Brian is the Research and Development Engineer on the PiNC project. His areas of interest and expertise include: design, development, and fabrication of specialized oceanographic instrumentation, scientific research diving, LiDAR operations, and drone operations.

Rob Grenzeback : research and development engineer

Rob Grenzeback

research and development engineer

Rob is a research and development engineer at SIO. His areas of interest and expertise include drones, LiDAR, GPS surveying, and structure from motion.

Dr. Michele Okihiro : research and development engineer

Dr. Michele Okihiro

research and development engineer

Michele is a research and development engineer at SIO. She completed her MS and PhD at Scripps and has been a longstanding member of the SIO coastal community, with expertise in infragravity waves, harbor seiche, and coastal flooding.

Yingzhong Lou : PhD Student

Yingzhong Lou

PhD Student

Yingzhong is a PhD candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington working with Alexander Horner-Devine and Morteza Derakhti. He is interested in the hydrodynamics of river plumes and nearshore wave-current interactions.

Sierra Byrne : PhD Student

Sierra Byrne

PhD Student

Sierra is a PhD student advised by Dr. Mark Merrifield at Scripps Institution of Oceanography with interest in alongshore plume dynamics and the resulting propagation of low-salinity waters in the coastal ocean. A recipient of the NSF GRFP, Sierra plans to investigate the tie between river outflow and marine debris transport, possibly studying the fate of buoyant particles in a buoyant freshwater plume. Sierra received a BS in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences from Scripps in 2021. After graduating, she worked with the Coastal Processes Group at Scripps as a field researcher assisting with field work operations and studying low salinity events measured at Scripps Pier over the past 105 years.

Shane Finnerty : marine technician

Shane Finnerty

marine technician

Shane is a Marine Technician with the Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Prior to joining CCS, Shane obtained his Masters in Marine Biology at UC San Diego where he studied the cellular physiology of osmoregulation in larval white seabass. While working on his thesis he obtained his AAUS Scientific Diving and SIO Small Boat Operator certifications which sparked his interest in field work. Shane specializes in diving and boating operations, drone piloting, design and fabrication of research equipment, and LiDAR and photogrammetric data processing.

Helen Zhang : PhD Student

Helen Zhang

PhD Student

Helen is a PhD student at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. She joined the Giddings lab in the summer 2021 and she is co-advised with Dr. Mark Merrifield and Dr. Uwe Send. Using a combination of observational data and model outputs, Helen is working on characterizing the circulation off the coast of San Diego in order to study the alongshore transport of nutrients, larvae, and pollutants. She is interested in examining the impact and interactions between the ocean and the urban environment. Helen got her BA in math and physics from Reed College in 2018. Prior to Scripps, she studied the long term impacts of climate change on the abyssal ocean at the University of Washington with Dr. Caitlin Whalen and Dr. Nirnimesh Kumar.

Lucian Parry : marine technician

Lucian Parry

marine technician

Lucian is a Marine Technician at SIO. His areas of interest and expertise include: LiDAR technology & operations, oceanographic sensors/instrumentation, scientific research diving, small boat operations, design & fabrication of specialized research equipment, and drone operations.

Lauren Kim : PhD Student

Lauren Kim

PhD Student

Lauren is currently a PhD student at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and is co-advised by Morgan Levy, Sarah Giddings, and Mark Merrifield. She is also working as a Graduate Teaching Consultant in the Engaged Teaching Hub at UC San Diego. She is currently studying the effects of coastal oceanic and inland hydrologic processes on agricultural freshwater supplies in Central California. Originally from Los Angeles, she received her BS in physics with a minor in physiology from Cal Poly Pomona in 2017. In fall of 2017, she began the physical oceanography program at Scripps and received her MS in oceanography in 2019.

Kent Smith : senior marine technician

Kent Smith

senior marine technician

Kent is a Senior Marine Technician at SIO. His areas of interest and expertise include: design and fabrication of specialized research prototypes, mechanical and welding operations, drone and LiDAR Operations, scientific research diving, and small boat operations.