Second Dye Release

We conducted our second dye release on February 1, 2023. We began the dye release at 8am, with the dye input at a slightly adjusted location due to quite a bit of cobble infill on the North side of the mouth. Initially, the dye-filled plume was trapped inside the surfzone and transited south. However after less than a half hour, … Read More

First Dye Release

We performed our first dye release at Los Peñasquitos Lagoon on Friday, January 20, 2023, with much success. We began the release at 9am just inside the mouth of the river. The morning presented larger waves that we expected, and the initial plume outflow demonstrated trapping in the surfzone. A southward alongshore current carried the plume inside the surfzone towards … Read More


PiNC drifter assembly took place on Friday Jan 13, led by project specialist Matt Spydell. With the help of 3 graduate students (many thanks!), 10 GPS equipped drifters were assembled in less than 5 hours! These surfzone drifters are inexpensive as they are made completely with off-the-shelf items: a hydro flask water bottle (drifter body), a frisbee attached to the … Read More